Musicians from beginners to seasoned pros who have tried the vt's cover contest describe it as a helpful ear-training tool that helps them be more creative. Additionally, it feels joyful to sing the songs of talented indie artists from around the world and creates a sense of well-being and connection. Artists covering each other's innovative new work helped fuel the creative fire of the 1960s musical renaissance.

We have partnered with The Institute for Noetic Science (IONS) to study the long-term benefits of increased well-being and creativity among musicians who participate in the vt's cover contest regularly.

Find out for yourself. Register below.

More about IONS: The Institute of Noetic Sciences (website) is an American non-profit research institute co-founded in 1973 by former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon. Joined by others interested in the intersection of consciousness and science, they encourage and conduct research on noetics and human potentials.


IONS study registration





Want to get in touch? Email us -- catalog [AT] thevt [DOT] co